3 September

The Future Is Now: Virtual Business Tools That Can Solve Your Outdated Problems

We live in an age of dynamic digital solutions. Long gone are the days when certain business barriers were ingrained and impassable. In 2019, almost any problem you have can be solved with some sort of innovative digital service. Virtual tools exist to support all facets of business success. What opportunities should you be taking advantage of to secure a better future for your company?

Virtual Phone Numbers

The phone number you use can significantly influence the success of business communication. Experts suggest that customers are more likely to phone a freephone business number than other prefixes, while data has revealed you’ll see a 400% uptake in answered calls if you use a local number.

Your phone number can say a lot about your business. Having the right one can dramatically increase your potential for growth.

But the process of getting a new business line can be expensive and complicated. You’ll need new hardware and provider contracts. For local numbers, it’s even worse. How can you achieve regional access if you aren’t based in the area you are trying to sell to?

The answer is simple: virtual phone numbers.

Virtual phone numbers allow you to select whatever business number you like, be it a regional number, a business prefix, or a premium-rate line. Calls to the virtual number are then simply forwarded to your current phone systems. You’ll maintain your active phone number while also having calls to your virtual number received by your landline or mobile device.

You can leverage the power of virtual phone numbers both with a traditional telephone system as well as VoIP systems, and speaking to a professional service provider about this could give you all the information you need to understand and think about implementing it for your business communications. Many sip trunking providers could help you obtain a virtual phone number. They could offer it as part of a PBX package or other telephone system packages.

It might be that you have a personal mobile number registered to your business, but you would like a London-based landline. You purchase a virtual London number and provide it to customers. When they call the number, the transmission is routed by the virtual number provider to your mobile. You can now give out the number you want – and make calls using it as well – without having to go through the complex processes involved with traditional and outdated phone number acquisition.

Virtual Office Address

Where your business is based is important.

Picture the scene: You are looking to attract new investors and they’re investigating your business credentials. They research your business address and are provided with a street view of your two-bedroom flat. This doesn’t offer a very professional presentation of your brand and doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in your ability to succeed. Add on top of this that your current address can also geo-target your services – which is not helpful if you intend to sell in another location – and you’ve got a recipe for diminishing returns.

In the past, the solution was to purchase appropriate local business space, such as an office. This, however, is an expensive practice. The cheapest options are going to tally up hundreds a month, with premium space in large cities going for thousands.

This meant having a suitable business address was out of reach for many small companies – or that financial resources were wasted unnecessarily. But times have changed, and this is no longer the case. You don’t need to push money into expensive property when it isn’t going to improve how you service clients. Instead, you can get a professional business address for around 20 a month.

How? Through a virtual office address.

The system is incredibly simple. You essentially rent a business address that you can use and register for your company. You don’t acquire any physical space, just the address you have access to. You can put this address on your invoices, website, online business profile, and marketing materials. Now, when people look you up, they’ll be given a much more professional address. They’ll also find a local address if you are looking to sell within a particular region.

Human & Software Virtual Assistants

Data supports the idea that virtual assistant software can make your business more attractive to consumers by having it appear larger and more professional. It can also streamline communication and help you manage your services better.

Before we look at why, it’s important to make the distinction between virtual assistant software and a virtual assistant. The former is a technology that automates your phone systems, while the latter is an outsourced human receptionist who answers your calls remotely.

Virtual assistant software and human virtual assistants both offer unique advantages for customer acquisition and business management, though they serve distinct roles.

Virtual assistant software excels in automating routine tasks such as scheduling and data entry, providing 24/7 availability, and scaling easily to handle increased workloads without additional costs. It’s an efficient solution for businesses needing constant support and automation.

On the other hand, human virtual executive assistants (or professionals of comparable caliber) can bring a personal touch, adaptability, and the ability to handle complex tasks requiring human judgment, creativity, and relationship building. They excel in providing personalized customer service and managing unpredictable tasks.

Choosing between them depends on the nature of the tasks, budget, scalability needs, and customer service requirements. Businesses often find value in integrating both solutions, utilizing software for efficiency and automation while leveraging human assistants for personalized, complex interactions.

This balanced approach allows businesses to optimize operations and enhance customer experiences effectively.

Virtual Conferencing

They say that, despite advancements in long-distance communication technology, there is nothing quite like a face-to-face meeting when it comes to making business arrangements, planning ventures and onboarding customers.

This presents a challenge for companies that operate exclusively with long-distance clients. While personal meetings provide significant benefits, travel can be costly, both in terms of money and time. Happily, virtual tools are offering a solution.

Virtual reality technology is something that is becoming more and more widespread. From video games to movies, it has commonly been associated with the entertainment industry. However, it is slowly but surely making its way into the business world.

Virtual conferencing is an innovation that allows business owners to enter a digital space and engage with clients, partners and investors through an entirely virtual platform. Plus, they can work with someone like We & Goliath to take the event to the next level and ensure it’s memorable for everyone who attends. This faux-physical space can introduce a lot of personalised elements lacking in standard video-conferencing and phone calls.

While the technology still has a way to go before it is perfect, its development promises exciting ways to engage with business contacts over long distances.