21 September

6 reasons to move to the cloud

The cloud is already a popular tool for millions of businesses, and it is only going to get bigger. So why should you consider moving your business to the cloud?

The memory of your business network is precious, but can quickly be taken up by endless apps and software. Rather than using onsite servers to power your network, it may be worth considering adopting the cloud for your business, as well as potentially checking out some other helpful resources that could help you give your staff, customers, everyone who makes up your network, the best digital experience possible. Many industry analysts predict that almost every technology business will be using the cloud in the future, and it already accounts for up to thirty percent of Microsoft’s yearly revenue, so why not see what the fuss is about, and potentially get started with something like a Sharepoint migaration (with the help of a company like Cognillo https://www.cognillo.com/sharepoint-migration) to get ahead of the pack?

Here are six reasons why you should adopt the cloud for your business, courtesy of Syntax IT Support London.


Network security is big news at the moment, but isn’t a passing trend. Malware attacks are becoming more common across the globe, so making sure all your data is safe, and having a disaster recovery plan in place, is definitely in your business’s interest. Using the cloud means that all your data is automatically backed up, and safely out of reach of anyone trying to attack your business’s network. This could save you time and money on other, more complicated security investments. You can also look into SD-WAN providers to give another level of encrypted security for your network so you can feel safe when operating online.

You can access your work from anywhere

If you want to offer your employees the opportunity to work remotely, moving to the cloud could be a very wise investment. The cloud can be accessed from any location with a strong internet connection, allowing your staff to work from home more easily if they are sick or otherwise unable to get to the office, and also giving you the ability to check in on how the day is going if you yourself are ill or on a business trip.

Greater flexibility

The cloud offers business owners a much greater degree of flexibility, allowing you to easily scale your network up or down as needed. Should your network need more bandwidth these changes can also be implemented with very little effort using the cloud, potentially giving your business a greater competitive edge.

Environmentally friendly

This is an often overlooked benefit of the cloud, but it could help your business to significantly reduce its carbon footprint. This is because storing important documents to the cloud, rather than in files or in a way which means they have to be printed off to be shared, will eliminate a great deal of paper waste in the office, and the scalable nature of the cloud will mean that your office does not waste excess energy, but only uses the data needed to go about day to day business.

Automatic updates

Updating your servers is vital in order to keep them working effectively, and making sure they’re protected from cyber attacks. Hackers will use any weakness in outdated systems to access your company’s data, but with the cloud you can put remembering to perform these updates out of your mind. Using cloud computing, the system keeps all your important programs, data and apps safe, updated and functional.

Automatic backups

Every business keeps a lot of sensitive data and documents in their servers, and keeping them safely under virtual lock and key should be their number one priority. It is very easy to backup these files and ensure their safety with the cloud, allowing you to quickly restore lost data from any location at any time, and seamlessly integrating with the infrastructure you have in place; backing it up and storing it in a secure offsite location. This could transform a potential catastrophe like a cyber attack or network crash into little more than an irritating inconvenience.