Artificial intelligence is the future of technology. Giant tech firms are pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars in the development of their own AI systems. Many young startups have also spurred lately that focus solely on the uses of artificial intelligence. However, a big section of the society, including some famed entrepreneurs and scientists remain skeptical of the impact of AI on the world. Here are the top 10 risks of artificial intelligence.
Criminal justice
The potential integration of AI into criminal justice systems raises complex ethical and practical considerations. While AI could theoretically assess a person’s likelihood of committing a crime or reoffending, the justice system cannot solely rely on machines for decision-making. The cornerstone of any legal process is the availability of credible evidence, which often requires human investigative skills. This is why legal experts, currently and in the future, will continue to Hire Skilled Private Investigator in Liverpool (or other locations) to gather evidence and trace individuals. Moreover, the idea of AI replacing judges entirely is unlikely. Judges bring nuanced understanding, empathy, and human judgment to their roles, which AI lacks. Instead, AI could serve as a valuable tool to provide judicial references, assist in legal research, and offer insights based on historical data.
Medical care
The future of artificially intelligent system includes medical technology. AI could change the relationship between doctor and patient. It could also decide who gets intensive care and who is more prone to a certain disease. However, there is potential for mismanagement in the early stages, for example, when reviewing a patient’s results, they could miss something very important, such as An aortic aneurysm caused by hospital error, this has the potential to pose more risks, so fully using just AI may not be a good choice within this sector.
Threat to jobs
Studies have shown that AI could make 7 million people lose their jobs in the upcoming years. It would create 2 million new jobs as well but may not help the 7 million newly unemployed people to get into the workforce.
The finance industry may take a hit
Intelligence systems and algorithms can interfere with the financial systems of the country, especially if they have human-level consciousness. If so, they could also be prone to a very human feeling of greed.
The machines will be better
A human brain only has limited computing or processing power. Super-intelligent machines will not take a second to record and analyze tons of data with accurate results. Anything that we can do, machines could be better.
AI will prefer its own existence to humans
Many science fiction writers and scientists have debated on this issue. If an AI can become super intelligent, it would certainly want to preserve its own existence over humans, if a crisis occurs.
There are no pre-specified goals for AI
We must understand that AI is an exciting technology but it is being developed with no eventual future goal in mind. We are designing machines that could be beating our consciousness and we haven’t designed a goal for them to achieve.
AI may be prone to human errors or biases
Humans design an AI system. Hence, it is highly likely that human biases and errors could become a part of AI systems. If such a bias occurs, then it could be difficult to stop AI.
Intelligence is not moral wisdom
One of the greatest debates in the AI segment is intelligence vs. moral wisdom. The human level of intelligence can be reached by AI systems, but will they have the same moral code as humans, if they have any? What would be AI’s moral code of conduct and who decides it?
AI would eventually develop human emotions
It is being suggested that upon reaching a human level of consciousness, AI will automatically be more prone to ‘feelings’. They could be of disgust, happiness, pain, or even superiority. If you have watched the Matrix or any other sci-fi movie with an AI angle, you know what we are talking about.
These 10 risks from AI may or may not translate into real threats into the future. Note that AI is still in its very nascent stage and it is difficult to predict whether a robot revolution would end up making AI dominate the world. We need to acknowledge the risks but we cannot fully dismiss this amazing technology.