Are you getting geared up to execute your start-up business idea and make your dream a reality? You’re probably well aware that knowledge is power in business, but in the fast-growing sector of technology, staying ahead of the game is particularly critical. Grab some inspiration from our list of books below – full of motivating business wisdom to help drive your start-up forward in the right direction. Good luck!
1. The Industries of the Future
(By Alec Ross)
This New York Times bestseller will help you stay ahead of the competition. Ross delivers an extensive insight into your industry’s most important advances, from cybersecurity and robotics to genomics and big data, using input from global leaders.
This book’s author was once in fact an advisor for innovation for Hilary Clinton — meaning that his experiences are worth reading about. His extensive travel has given him access to the some of the most powerful people in business, and his book is packed with astute observations regarding opportunities for growth and the unknown tech forces that are changing — or will change — the world.
2. Networking Like a Pro
(By Ivan R. Misner)
This great read could prove to be the tool your need to improve your networking skills. Read this book, and you’ll boost your knowledge of overcoming various networking hurdles that could hold you back as your company grows. In order to make your start-up a success, you must reach out to other people. From making useful contacts to develop your business, to implementing an effective referral marketing campaign; Networking Like a Pro offers tools, templates and a results-measuring system to help you action your networking strategy and make valuable business connections.
3. The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future
(By Kevin Kelly)
Former Wired magazine executive editor has the expertise to make accurate predictions for the tech sector and it’s something he does so well. The best part of The Inevitable is how it paints a picture of ways in which technological forces will overlap, mix and come to co-depend on each other — crucial to know if any of these trends relate to your business. This book strives to look ahead at the next 30 years, showing you how technology could impact our daily lives. Want to prep your company now for the customer of tomorrow? Then, get ahead of the game.
4. The Lean Start-Up
(By Eric Ries)
This is an invaluable source for all new start-ups. This book sets out to examine how new companies can launch, adapt and grow within an industry that has fierce competition. Offering real examples of setting up a new business, you get a great insight into how to make a success of your business and avoid the typical pitfalls. Without a doubt, the beginning stages of opening a business can be difficult but this book will help you remain creative at all times.
This article was researched and created by Where The Trade Buys, a leading print company based in the UK that supplies printed pavement signs with a professional finish and many other items for a range of business needs.