technology blog
11 September

Top 10 Risks of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the future of technology. Giant tech firms are pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars in the development of their own AI systems. Many young startups have also spurred lately that focus solely on the uses of artificial intelligence. However, a big section of the society, including some famed entrepreneurs and scientists remain […]

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tech blog
17 January

A Guide to Artificial Intelligence at Any Age

Do you think artificial intelligence is scary? You are one amongst many who believe that artificial intelligence will somehow make it difficult for humans to do their job. However, AI is just a sophisticated program that has quietly been changing the way you have computed over the years. Don’t believe us? Take the example of […]

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18 November

How to Win Clients and Influence Market with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence will soon take over many jobs. When working with this amazing new technological concept, businesses will go through a short learning curve. However, experts suggest that the results will be worth it. An example of this is that there are now businesses like Datagen that deal with synthetic data generation for training purposes, […]

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27 October

The Lazy Man’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence

If you have followed news stories in the past year, you already know a little about artificial intelligence. Some people panic in the name of AI, thinking it is a super-machine that will take over their jobs. However, artificial intelligence is more than just a job-snatcher. It could be your best friend. It can assist […]

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12 September

9 Rules About Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The goals of AI research include learning, reasoning, and perception. Major AI research areas include machine learning, which focuses on the development of algorithms that can learn from data and improve their […]

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