8 February

4 Reasons to Use a Native Object Lock Cloud Backup

Cloud backups are an important part of keeping your data safe, even if your individual device has some problems. However, when it comes to a malicious actor, like a ransomware attack, you might also want to look into a tool like object lock, which allows you to keep your backups safe in the case of a ransomware or similar attack. If you’re looking for options in your object lock search, you might want to prioritize a tool that’s built into your existing cloud storage system. Here are four reasons why using a native Veeam cloud backup or similar tool is such a good idea.

1. Backups and Restorations From a Single Control Panel

The fewer tools necessary, the better when it comes to something like a cloud backup. You want as few steps as possible if you’re going to be dealing with something as important as a backup that can allow your company to keep working in the event of a data attack. You can have cloud data backup measures integrated into your data centre where all your company’s data gets stored, which makes it easier to secure the data in case of data theft or disaster. If you don’t already have a data centre for your company, you could obtain all the necessary information about the setup from Walt Coulston or a similar data centre specialist. With the help of an advanced data centre and cloud backup solution, you can keep all of your sensitive business information in a single control panel, which can reduce the number of mistakes that people make.

2. Information Available in Multiple Places

Native cloud backups allow you to know where your information is at all times, and can allow you to keep that information more easily. Additionally, it allows you to set up the way you keep your information. For example, you may choose to do backups that aren’t object-locked every time you make a change to your files, then create an object lock backup at the end of every day.

3. Full Ransomware Protection With No Backup Changes

Companies are realizing the importance of protecting against ransomware, so they’re investing more in cloud backups. To get full protection, it’s essential to have a separate backup alongside your regular cloud backup. Microbyte or a similar company can help set this up. You don’t have to change how you do backups; you may just need to check a box to ensure the backup is locked securely.

4. Savings for Your Company

Lastly, investing in a native object lock cloud backup can create massive savings for your company. When you utilize companies that are partnered with each other, the cost that you pay will often be lowered. That means instead of having to pay two or three different prices for your object lock backup process, you can often pay all at once, making it much easier for you to save money on storage.

Infographic created by CIO Technology Solutions, Industry-Leading Managed IT Support Services


Object lock cloud backups are incredibly important, and you need to make sure you’re using one for your company if you really want to stay safe from ransomware. When you’re looking for the best way to create an object lock cloud backup, it’s important that you consider a native tool first. These four benefits are great reasons to consider these native tools before you consider a secondary one.