With technology playing a huge role in so much of our modern world, it only makes sense that a huge portion of the workforce would spend at least part of their day working on a computer, phone, tablet, or another device. But while there are some great benefits to having access to all of this technology in the workplace, it also opens people up to potential workplace injuries that never would have been an issue in the past. So to help you stay safe when using technology as part of your daily work, here are three tips for avoiding workplace injuries at your desk job.
Practice Proper Posture When Seated
When working at a desk or on a computer, you’re not very likely to get an immediate or acute injury. Rather, from the hours, months, and years you spend seated at your desk and using your computer or tablet, you’re much more likely to get injuries as a result of your repetitive movements or lack of proper posture. Over time, this can lead to serious health issues and even disability. If you have developed an injury or even a mental health issue that means you are unable to do your job anymore, you might want to look here for guidance on taking out disability insurance, which can help to provide an income whilst you recover. To avoid disability and other issues, it’s important that you practice good seated posture and take regular breaks whenever you’re working at your desk. To help you with this, Larry Buhl, a contributor to Monster.com, reminds us that good seated posture should feel natural, meaning that your feet should be firmly on the floor and your neck and spine should be relaxed without any tension points. If you’ve been neglecting your posture for a while, this might feel uncomfortable at first as you reorient your body and build up the right muscles for proper posture.
Keep Your Workspace Clean And Clear Of Hazards
As was mentioned above, most injuries that occur at work when someone spends most of their time at the desk will develop over time rather than happening in some kind of accident. However, this doesn’t mean that accidents don’t happen, especially if you frequently leave your workspace in disarray. According to Simon Brisk, a contributor to Business.com, having a clean workspace can reduce the chance of you getting injured at work. Because any safety hazards exist as part of an untidy or cluttered workspace, keeping your area clean will also help to keep you and everyone around you safer while at work.
Give Your Body Regular Breaks
To ensure that you’re not getting stuck in a rut while at your desk or spending too much time in one position, AIHA.org recommends that you give your body regular breaks from sitting at your desk. By doing this, you’ll be allowing yourself to change posture, reduce eye strain, and accumulate less stress both physically and mentally.
To help keep you from getting hurt at work, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you stay safe when working at your desk.